Track Info

  • Track Suface: Clay

    Infield Suface: Grass

    Length: 440 metres

    Corners: 20 metres Wide, 5-10° Banking

    Straights: 20 metres Wide, 5-10° Banking

    Fence: 1.5m Concrete Wall Then Mesh & Cable Totaling 4.5m

    Track Gates: Separate Entrance To Track And Exit To Pit Area

    Scoring: MyLaps Transponder System

  • Everyone must have a valid arm band in the pits after 5pm. Checks will be done. This is to comply with safety regulations and to ensure the honesty and safety of all competitors and crew. The pit area must be left clean, rubbish put in the bins provided.

  • Camping is available at no charge for competitors in the pit area.

    Includes toilet and shower blocks.

  • Motor sport is very dangerous and involves risks and dangers to participants and spectators. Section 74 of the Trade Practices Act (“the Act”) implies a warranty of due care and skill into contracts for the supply of services to consumers as defined in the Act. Where such a warranty applies it cannot be excluded.

    Subject to the provisions of Section 74 of the Act, if applicable, all persons entering this venue do so at their own risk and neither the owners or lessees, the promoters, sponsors, participants or other persons involved in any way in the running or promotion of any event or events at this venue (“the Promoters”) will be liable either in tort or contract for any personal injury, damage or loss of property to any person, whether caused by negligence of the Promoters or otherwise.

  • Please use the bins provided to maintain the cleanliness of the grounds and assist in recycling the rubbish collected at each race meeting.

  • Toilets are located behind the clubrooms and on corner 2 on the back straight in the public area.

    Disabled toilets are located behind the clubrooms in the public area.

  • There is parking available at Albany Speedway; however the track takes no responsibility for patrons’ vehicles when parked onsite.

  • Albany Speedway’s canteen is located on the front straight near the clubrooms and offers soft drinks, burgers, chips and much more.

    Patrons can bring their own food into the grounds; however glass containers are not permitted.

  • NO BYO.

    Albany Speedway is a licensed premises and the bringing in of alcohol is prohibited.

    Alcohol is available for purchase at our club bar.

  • Gates open for the public at 3pm.

    Our start times can change based on a variety of factors; however, Grand Parade typically begins at around 4.30pm with racing beginning at 5pm.

Club Racing Divisions